Independence Man Accused of Possessing & Distributing Child Porn May Have Ties to Boy Scouts – Meeting for Concerned Parents on Monday, April 8th
April 6, 2013
Independence – On April 5, 2013, detectives from the Kenton County Commonwealth’s Attorney Office and officers from Independence Police arrested Timothy L. Johnston, 64, of Oakgrove Court in Independence on multiple charges of Possession and Distribution of Matter Portraying the Sexual Performance of a Minor. Further investigation into Johnston’s background indicates, at some point, he was active in what is believed to be a Boy Scout troop or camp, and also acted as a foster parent. The specific Scout troop or camp Johnston had contact with is unknown. To address the needs of parents concerned about their children who may have had contact with Johnston, the Kenton County Commonwealth’s Attorney Office has partnered with the NKY Children’s Advocacy Center to hold an informational meeting to teach parents how to approach their children about the possibility of inappropriate contact with Johnston. Commonwealth’s Attorney Rob Sanders is urging parents not to address their children about Johnston until after the meeting where they will receive instruction from trained child forensic interviewers. “It is important to ask children in a non-suggestive manner so as not to create a risk of false alarm,” said Sanders. “Johnston remains incarcerated in the Kenton County Detention Center where he will likely remain until at least after this meeting, so children are not in immediate danger.” Sanders said approaching children in the proper manner is better for everyone: children, parents, law enforcement, and the defendant. The professional child forensic interviewers will teach parents the basics of non-suggestive interviews. Any child who gives any possible indication of being abused will then be invited to the Children’s Advocacy Center to meet with investigators.
The informational meeting will take place Monday in the Kenton County Administration Building’s 4th Floor Training Room at 6pm. Prosecutors, detectives, and child forensic interviewers will all be on hand to speak with parents. The meeting will last approximately one hour. The Kenton County Administration Building is located at 303 Court Street, Covington, KY 41011.
Sanders stressed there is currently no specific evidence that Johnston has abused a child. Concern about Johnston’s contact with children arose from posts and pictures on Johnston’s Facebook page illustrating his participation in a Boy Scout troop or camp, and Johnston’s role as a foster parent. The charges against Johnston stem from an investigation by the Kentucky Attorney General’s Office Cyber Crimes Unit that resulted in the execution of a search warrant at Johnston’s home on Wednesday, April 3, 2013. The foster children in Johnston’s care were removed from the home by the Kentucky Cabinet for Families and Children at the time of the search warrant.
Anyone with questions about the meeting should call the Kenton County Commonwealth’s Attorney Office (859-292-6580) on Monday during business hours or email the Commonwealth’s Attorney ( If the parent of a child who may have had contact with Johnston is unavailable to attend Monday’s meeting, the parent is encouraged to call the Commonwealth’s Attorney Office to schedule a phone consultation.
A not guilty plea will be entered for Johnston at his arraignment on Monday, April 8, 2013 at 8:30 am in Kenton District Court. Johnston is presumed innocent of all charges until proven guilty in a court of law.
Posted on Saturday, April 6th, 2013 @ 11:53AM
Categories: Press Room
Tags: Arrest, Boy Scouts, Child porn, commonwealths attorney, kenton county, Timothy Johnston
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