Jury Convicts Child Molester & Recommends Sentence Of Life + 20 Years in Prison
COVINGTON – A Kenton County Jury deliberated slightly more than an hour April 25 before finding Jeremy C. Breeden, 41, guilty of 1st Degree Sodomy and two counts of 1st Degree Sexual Abuse, all against a child under the age of 12. The same jury then took only ten minutes to return the maximum possible sentence on each charge of Life, 10 years, and 10 years, respectively, and recommended those sentences run consecutively.
During a two-day trial, which began April 24, 2019, Commonwealth’s Attorney Rob Sanders called only two witnesses for the prosecution: the child victim and the child’s mother. The child testified that almost one year ago, while spending the night at Breeden’s home in Bromley, Ky., Breeden entered a room where the child was laying in bed and began performing oral sex on the child.
The child also testified that Breeden placed the child’s hand on his penis before climbing in the child’s bed and “tongue kissing” the child. The child testified the abuse was not initially disclosed to anyone. After a few weeks of not being able to get the thought of what happened out of the child’s mind, the child told the mother. The child also described to the mother a previous occasion when Breeden touched the child’s genitals with his fingers while claiming he was performing a “test” on the child.
The child’s mother testified she confronted Breeden via text message immediately after learning of the abuse. The mother said Breeden denied the allegations repeatedly the first day, but the following day his words began to change. The mother saved her text messages and called the Park Hills Police Department. (The City of Bromley contracts with Park Hills for police protection.)
Lt. Richard Webster led the police investigation, which included photographing the text message conversation between Breeden and the child’s mother, which spanned from May 30, 2018, to June 4, 2018. Sanders produced all the text messages for the jury to review. Sanders highlighted 26 texts from Breeden that made incriminating references to subjects, such as apologizing to the child, healing the child, and rebuilding the child’s trust. Sanders would later argue there would be no need for any of those things if no abuse occurred as the defense claimed.
Breeden called no witnesses but took the stand in his own defense. Breeden said the prosecutor was taking his words out of context in some instances, and in others, he was just saying whatever it took to appease the child’s mother, but he was adamant the abuse never occurred. On cross-examination, Sanders questioned Breeden about whether it was plausible to believe any man would apologize for molesting a child if no abuse ever took place and whether that tactic would realistically appease a child’s mother. The jury obviously did not believe Breeden’s explanation of his own words either.
“Jeremy Breeden’s own attempts to talk the child’s mother out of calling the police ultimately secured his conviction,” said Sanders. “The defendant smugly thought his words would convince this mother not to turn him in, but he thought very wrong because she was a ferocious advocate for her baby as every good mother should be.”
Sanders also applauded the courage of the now nine-year-old child to take the stand and describe the abuse in the public courtroom. “This child was as brave as the child was honest, and just a fantastic witness,” said Sanders.
Kenton Circuit Judge Patricia Summe, who presided over the trial, will impose formal, final sentencing at a hearing to be scheduled in May. Under Kentucky law, even life sentences are eligible for parole after twenty years. If Breeden is ever released, he must register as a sex offender and remain on parole for life.
Posted on Friday, April 26th, 2019 @ 11:28AM
Categories: Press Room
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