Welcome to the new KentonProsecutor.com
My office is pleased to announce the launch of our new website – KentonProsecutor.com.
In an effort to better educate the general public about this office, the Commonwealth’s Attorney for the 16th Judicial Circuit here in Kenton County, we have upgraded our website.
Please take a look at my welcome message, but be sure to check out our newest features – including biographies of all my staff, a wealth of resources for victims and law enforcement, and a variety of news items, including the latest news from my team.
My hope is that this website will be a resource for all citizens in Kenton County – to allow you to become better informed about how we keep Kenton County safe by prosecuting tough criminal cases and how we serve our partners in law enforcement as well as the victims of crimes.
Please do not hesitate to contact me or any of my staff if we can help you. We are always here for you and are committed to improving the quality of life in Kenton County.
Posted on Monday, January 7th, 2013 @ 10:00AM
Categories: Commonwealth's Commentary
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